How Do I Send My Personal Items to Another Country?

by Jaime Araneta on Jan 30, 2025

Moving to another country and/or sending personal items can be a difficult task. Obviously, you want to send your items abroad with less risk and less chances of it being damaged in transit. Here are the three ways that you can bring or send your personal items abroad.

1. Air Courier

Air courier is the best way of sending large quantities of items such as your clothes and a few household items. Fragile items aren’t recommended to be sent through this since an international courier service entails a lot of different transfers and handling points. Items will be transferred from your home to a pick-up/drop-off hub, and then to the courier warehouse where it is transported through many different conveyor belts before being loaded into a plane. Then, everything I just mentions happens again but in reverse until it arrives at the destination. 

2. Moving Company

Going through a moving company is recommended when you wish to send large furniture in order to move abroad. Moving companies will package and add crating for large items as part of their service. They also have the licenses to send personal items via sea. It is rare however, that moving companies allow personal items that aren’t furniture such as clothes and small appliances.

3. Luggage

The easiest and most direct way to send your items abroad is to bring it with you through your luggage when traveling. It’s recommended that you use your luggage for the fragile items that you want to bring abroad. Bringing high value items such as jewelry, watches, devices are also better done this way.